Basisnote Agarholz, Tannenharz, Ambra, Vanille, Zeder, Sandelholz, Vetiver, Moschus
Herznote Lavendel, holzige Noten, Ambra, Kardamom, Zypresse, Rose
Kopfnote Safran, Jasmin, Geranie, Thymian, Grapefruit
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€11.83 €10.29
BasisnoteAgarholz, Tannenharz, Ambra, Vanille, Zeder, Sandelholz, Vetiver, Moschus HerznoteLavendel, holzige Noten, Ambr…
Basisnote Agarholz, Tannenharz, Ambra, Vanille, Zeder, Sandelholz, Vetiver, Moschus
Herznote Lavendel, holzige Noten, Ambra, Kardamom, Zypresse, Rose
Kopfnote Safran, Jasmin, Geranie, Thymian, Grapefruit
Acqua Alpes
Acqua Alpes
Farmacia Ss. Annunziata
Anfas / By Asim Al Qassim
Acqua Alpes
Boadicea The Victorious
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